Three Best Sellers on Etsy . Vintage Jewelry Category

we know how difficult it is nowadays to figure out which place and which outlet to buy the finest handmade vintage jewelry pieces. Although Etsy built a platform to bring all the vintage jewelry crafters together at the virtual marketplace today, we will be talking about the best handmade vintage jewelry stores present on easy.

So, let’s dig into it.



This store brings handpicked crafts to celebrate the history and antiquity of the ornaments, their collection is listed in categories. ZamartuJewel is famous for its quality crafts and its limited Tribal classic list of ornaments. The jewelry pieces are fine and rare to be found anywhere on Etsy.

The store deals in Bohemian ornaments which are handmade by the local artisans and have a touch of class and elegance. Bases on their stunning 5-star reviews you would not be disappointed with any of your selection from their store, for sure.


Tribal Muse

 Tribal muse has a particular tribal ornament collection, belonging to the Kuchi tribe. Their classic collection would make you fall in love with the handmade crafts, especially of the Himalayan region. The unique and antique pieces are there to complement you with a perfect look.

 The antique pieces listed in the Tribal Muse store belong to the mid-19th century. Each piece is handmade by the Himalayan artisans, continuing the legacy of their ancestors by crafting unique and traditional crafts. The only difference is that these stunning ornaments are now available for everyone globally.



The PakBargain store has a huge store, having a collection of vintage kuchi, Turkmen, and bohemian crafts. The handmade ornaments belong to different tribes and different centuries. Each of the jewels has a distinctive history and reason behind its making. The ornaments are made with natural materials, including, metal, German silver, semi-precious stones, beads, coins. And fabric.


 PakBargain is the Flagship store of Vintarust and was created for the purpose to bring hard work and rare-found skills in the Market and Etsy was the best decision Vintarust took. Today the vast collection of 1000+ ornaments is increasing day by day with a customer base that authenticates their quality product and services. See what is new in the store and find yourself the most classic ornaments in one place.